Weight Loss


Our weight loss program utilizes specialized peptides to target and support metabolic functions and promote fat loss. These peptides work by increasing metabolism, suppressing appetite, and enhancing energy expenditure, leading to more effective weight management results. 


Tirzepatide is a peptide designed for weight management and appetite control. It operates by targeting multiple pathways in the body, including both GLP-1 and GIP receptors. These pathways regulate appetite and blood sugar levels, respectively. By mimicking the actions of these hormones, tirzepatide helps to reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness, getting rid of unwanted cravings.  


Semaglutide is a peptide used to help people lose weight and manage their blood sugar levels. It works by mimicking a hormone in your body called GLP-1, which helps regulate your appetite and control your blood sugar. By mimicking this hormone, semaglutide can make you feel less hungry and more satisfied after eating, stopping you from over-indulging.

Transform Your Body

Beyond Wellness offers tailored peptide treatments that specifically enhance your body’s natural metabolic processes, facilitating effective weight loss.

Benefit from personalized medications that support your weight loss goals by optimizing hormonal balance and metabolic rate.

Our therapies are designed to improve your metabolic efficiency, helping you burn calories faster and more effectively.

Our holistic approach not only focuses on weight loss but also enhances overall health, boosting energy levels and improving quality of life.

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weekdays: 10am – 9pm

saturday: 10AM – 6PM

SUNDAY closed